Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Naptime Button Tree

Today was one of those rare days when both my littles took a nap at the same time.  Smile, I just love days like today, I soaked up the quiet and decided to have a little mommy time!  So, what did I do with my two hours... why I got crafty of course :)

I made a button elephant on canvas for the little man's room a couple of weeks ago and fell in love with button art.  So today I decided to add some painting to my buttons.  I followed this tutorial from Busted Button.  I got out my canvas, paint and brushes and got to work. 
I started by making a light spot in one corner with the white paint and slowly adding purple to make it darker going toward the far corner. 

Then when my purple background was dry I painted on my tree silhouette.  I added branches until I had the look I was going for.  I loved it just like this but my buttons were calling out to me...

I just love my new storage for my growing button collection.  Before the move I had my buttons all mixed together in a baby wipes box, making it a pain to find just the right button.  So now in the new office I have them displayed in cute glass vases on a high shelf out of reach of little hands.  They look so pretty up there and they are just calling to be used!
So I picked out some lime greens and purples to make "leaves" for my tree.  I hot glued them on and tada a button tree was born all in the space of one little nap!


  1. Love it! you did an awesome job!!! Thanks for the link <3

    1. That looks awesome! I wish I could paint like that.
